
How Casinos Identify Counterfeit Bills

How Casinos Identify Counterfeit Bills

Casinos are the biggest money making industry's, and not just that. They are one of the biggest industries where the most money is exchanged from person to person. In every single casino across the country, money is exchanging hands. Sometime's it's being multiplied into more money, and sometimes players are losing it all.
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A Brief History of Paper Shredders

A Brief History of Paper Shredders

Most offices and even many private homes today contain a paper shredder, capable of completely destroying paper documents, disks and plastic cards to protect our privacy and confidential information. But who first came up with the idea of shredding documents? Do you ever wonder how the shredders we use today came to be?

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History of the Cash Register

History of the Cash Register

Every time you visit a store or restaurant, you interact with someone using a cash register. You may not even pay any attention to the machine. But how did we get to this point? When did salespeople first start using a cash register, and what did it look like?

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