For all your counterfeit money detector needs, iTestCash carries the best products in the industry. For big and small businesses or individuals, the counterfeit pen makes for additional security when traveling or home. If dealing with hundreds or thousands of customers regularly a counterfeit detector machine can be a great option as they are high in reliability and use the latest technology in detecting the validity of money.
Our currency counters are an ideal option for businesses that deal with counting large amounts of money. Currency counters can count thousands of bills within minutes and help to avoid losses in money from counting errors as well as providing efficient money counting.
Our wall safes are a convenient and secure place to keep your money and valuables safe whether at home or in an office - they provide great value. The electronic floor/shelf safe we carry also provides two keys in case of a battery failure and can be used through a hidden key lock.
Another option in the line of money counting is the electronic coin counter which can count and sort hundreds of coins per minute. Coin counters are perfect for places such as casinos or anywhere else that counts hundreds or more coins per day and conveniently sort coins reliably and at a fast speed too.
Among our collections is also a line of paper shredders which allow for easy shredding of documents and media files that you want to dispose of including paper, CD's, DVD's and ID's depending on the shredders features.
We also carry and are expanding our line of office furniture to provide the convenience of ordering items such as office chairs, couches and tables straight to your home and office.