$120 Thousand Dollars in Fake Money Seized at JFK Airport
Last month at random baggage examination U.S. Customers and Border Protection Officers found fake money in a man's diary box and other items he was carrying with him at JFK airport. When the officers examined the 21 year old - Marlon Williams Rodriguez Ezeta's baggage, the officers reportedly found fake $100 dollar bills in the person's diary box, two wallets, a fabric box and two cloth shoe racks, coming out to about $121,300 in counterfeit money according to reports.
After they found the fake money, Rodriguez Ezata was arrested and the fake money he was carrying was turned over to the Secret Service for investigation.
This report shows the on going trend of funny money going around the U.S., whether at stores or places like an airport. Lucky in this case the money was seized and they got the person traveling with it. Stopping someone with thousands of dollars in fake cash could help many businesses avoid being left with it, since now in this case at least the money has been seized by authorities.
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